Monday, November 14, 2022

Building a Philosophy of Practice


Building a philosophy of practice or revisiting your philosophy of education that you created in your 3rd year of teacher training is an important reflection piece for teachers. I think too often teachers forget their professional and personal values and begin teaching through the curriculum or the expectations rather than why they believe is important.

Brené Brown is a professor and author who has done some pretty amazing research on vulnerability, values, shame and leadership. I feel like teaching is a form of leadership and one thing I am trying to do to keep myself fresh over this break from teaching is get in touch with my own values and beliefs and recognize how they translate into my teaching.

Brené Brown has a podcast that I have been listening to and I would really love to share a specific episode with you all that I have found helpful.

Podcast episode

Accompanied worksheets

I have found this particularly helpful as I build my own philosophy of life but also that of my professional practice.

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  “Reflection as a way of life”. I think it is important to really read this statement moving forward and realize that you need to make time...